
Get frustrated? Or move forward!!

I took this picture on March 19. 


Less than 2 weeks to the launch, and only 4 days to the start of the training, our control and dispatch center (CDC) looked like this.  No desk, no chair, not even a ceiling!! We’ve planned, started working on it way in advance… yet, this is the reality in front of me.

On March 22, it looks slightly better, yet far from completion….

The next day is the scheduled 1st day of training. 50 CDC executives are waiting for the training!
A few of my colleagues and I literally held our head down, held our hands up, walked around the room restlessly.

… And came up with an idea!

The solution is this…

25 people in one small room where previously only 5 of us were sitting. 3 people share one PC and one chair (bench).  Temperature was above 30 Celsius, no AC, only with fans. Someone described this looks like sardines!
Although the room was not perfect, hardware is brand new, software is also new, developed based on Ziqitza’s expertise. I guess it would not have worked in the places like U.S. or Japan where people are used to more spacious, well-prepared office space. Thanks to our patient colleagues at Ziqitza, it worked!

There is no doubt that a plan is essential in a project.
At the same time, there is no doubt (especially in a place like India) that the plan does not go as planned!

It is frustrating to see things are not moving and time is running out. But, you cannot stand still and remain frustrated. Then your frustration simply goes up. Rather, what I can do is to keep moving forward. The result may not look as elegant as planned, but as long as one takes one or even half step, the project will move forward. 

And finally.... on the due date, the place looked like this.

Things do happen, if we keep moving forward.Right?

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