
Differences in Learning Style

In March, a large part of my work was related to training.
For the operation of 90 ambulances, we need to train roughly 200 drivers, 200 EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians), 50 call center executives, and 15 managers.

As I planned the curriculum, coordinated the sessions, and occasionally gave a lecture, I noticed a distinct difference in learning style.
Difference between what I see here in Amritsar, India, and the ones I grew up with in Japan.

In Japan, students are supposed to listen and take notes with their mouth shut.
In India, students listen and speak. No notebook.

It seems as the students verbally repeat what the teacher has said, they digest and memorize the contents. The more students talk, the more they remember.
At first, I was eager to explain more. I thought the more I explain, the better they understand.
Not necessarily.

For example, when I want my managers to call ambulances every morning, there are two ways of conveying information.
1) You have to call your ambulance every morning.
2) What do you have to do every morning?

Instead of me repeating “you have to do this, that, …”, it seems more effective to switch the speaker and a subject of the sentence. Let my managers speak aloud, “I have to do this, that, …”

Manager's training - We spent half of the time letting managers talk about what they had just learned.
In my case, I know I have to write it down. My colleagues will give testimony that I write down everything in my little notebook. Once I see letters, words, sentences, or diagrams, the information sticks to me. Even to remember someone’s name, it is easier for me to remember the written name.

I always thought it’s my personal inclination.
But maybe it is a result of the culture I grew up with?!
Which style do you have? Or any other style?

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